Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eek! My blog was mentioned in the newsletter

I guess I better write something.

Today is a super stressful day. I have sooooo much to do. Kevin's birthday is tomorrow and I am doing all the preparations for it today--since I typically don't get to have the car all day. To top it off, I started writing this post and my computer shut down on me... I guess I let the battery die.

So... here's my list:

Get groceries for breakfast and birthday cake (I went to Fred Meyer twice, Trader Joes, and New Seasons. I forgot a couple things so I need to go back still) DONE! Actually... I got home then remembered about the 2 things I needed, so I turned right around got 'em done. Thankfully I live right across the street from the store
Make 5 layer ice cream cake (I decided on 3 layers and 2 of them are in the freezer right now. Gotta wait another hour for the 3rd layer) Cake is ready for layer 3. I should be ready for that soon
Buy Kevin's present(s) (I went to one place out in Aloha this morning that isn't open until noon... I have to go back there and to REI. I plan on doing that real soon) DONE! I ended up spending more than planned at REI, so I didn't end up going to the other place. I got him a nice pair of running shoes and a Camelbak water bottle
Find a bike for Kevin to ride tomorrow (I think I found someone who wants to loan it. I just haven't gotten a hold of him yet. But I just left him a message, hopefully he'll call back soon) DONE! I've got a bike in the back of the truck. Thanks Daniel!
Pump tires on my bike, probably Kevin's too (Haven't started that. Probably will wait til I find a bike for Kev)I think we'll just do this tomorrow before we head out
Clean kitchen (in progress... the dishwasher is running, but the place still looks like a tornado ran through it... that's just the way I am when I bake/cook... I have to wait for dishwasher load #2)Not even close
Wrap Kevin's present(s) (do I even have wrapping paper?... errr, let me see...Yep!) Got the present. Will wrap soon
Take a shower and...ahem... groom This may have to happen later tonight after I pick Kevin up from work

Things unrelated to Kevin's birthday, but I have to do them anyway:

Call Salon to schedule for my Grandma's birthday gift (got things ironed out with my mom... just need to make the call) DONE!
Call Aunt about asking cousins to contribute to Grandma's gift (She works nights so I have to call her later in the day... actually I could do that soon. Maybe I'll do it on the road) Not yet. I'll probably do this later tonight or even tomorrow
Finish undisclosed amount of work orders for my job (I did 2 last night, I finished 1 this morning and as of now, I have 1 left to complete. They just coming though. I think I may have over 10 more to do by tonight. YIKES! As soon as the one I'm working on is completed, I'll head out for REI and maybe the place in Aloha, depending on how much $$ I spend at REI) I didn't get it done before I left, and apparently I didn't even finish the one I thought I did this morning. So 2 to go. And apparently I'll be receiving 14 of them to work on tonight. SWEET!

Ok... I'm sure there is more.... cuz I'm still feeling pressured... I thought this would help me feel better. I must be missing something. I will update as I go along Felling a little less pressure now (4:23 PM)